Read time: 2 minutes
Installed Tabikaeru? A bit lost in translation? Never fear, here’s your guide to start getting your little frog travelling 🙂
- We begin with a button stating スタート, simply meaning ‘start’. Go ahead and click it.
The terms >
- “To play this game please agree to the terms of service”, the buttons say: 利用規約 “Terms of service”, 同意する “Agree”, 同意しない “Disagree”
- Hopefully you agree and can click the left “Agree” button 🙂
- And we’re in!
- “Let’s name your frog”
(なまえをごにゅうりょくください (さいだいごもじ))
- “Please enter your name (maximum 5 characters)”
- “You can change the name later”
- Go ahead and enter a name for your frog – I’ve used my name, マイケル 😉
おうちのなかに入っていきました なかをのぞいてみましょう
- “He went inside the house – lets have a look inside”. Click the house icon ‘おうち’
旅に出かけるしたくをしています マイケルの旅のしたくを少しだけ手伝ってあげましょう
(たびにでかけるしたくをしています マイケルのたびのしたくをすこしだけてつだってあげましょう)
- “He wants to go on a trip. Let’s give him a little help preparing for his trip”
- “You can pack three types of travel items: a lunchbox, charms and tools”
- “Let’s not miss out adding vegetables to the lunchbox since they are essential for travelling!”
“You can add travelling equipment by collecting clover leaves then trading them in the shop. First, let’s go and get some clover leaves from the field!”
- Click the ’garden’ button にわさき
- Now, we are in the garden we can harvest clover leaves 🙂
That’s the end of part one! Next time we will use our harvested clover leaves to buy things in the shop!
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